How to order a 100% copy of a fake diploma from the University of Limoges.

How to order a 100% copy of a fake diploma from the University of Limoges.
How to order a 100% copy of a fake diploma from the University of Limoges.

1.Basic information.How to order a 100% copy of a fake diploma from the University of Limoges.

The name
Universite de Limoges

Founding time

Public university

Type of school

Subordinate region
Limoges, France

Major department
School of Law, School of Economics, School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, School of Humanities, School of Technology.

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2.Specialty setting

I and II majors

The humanities: Law D/L, Public Law M, Commercial Law M, Criminal Science M, Modern Literature D/L/M, Classical Literature D/L/M, English D/L/M, German D/L/M, Spanish D/L/M, Language Science D/L/M, History/Geography and Sociology D, Planning L, Geography L/M, History L/M, education L/M

Economic management: Social and Economic Administration D, Economic Management D, Enterprise Management D/L/M, General Theory of Administration and Land Management L/M, Administration and Enterprise Management L/M, Economic Policy and Economic Analysis L, Economy and Enterprise Management L/M, Public Management L/M, Accounting and Financial Technology M, Real Estate DEUST , healthy unemployed business personnel DEUST, DEUST, real estate LP, capital management LP, enterprise management IUP, rural (natural, cultural) heritage protection IUP

Science and Technology: Mathematics and computer application in Natural Science D, Mathematics and computer application in Social Science D, Material Science D, Life Science D, Mathematics L/M, Chemistry L/M, Computer L/M, Physics and its Application L/M, Electronic and Electronic Technology and Automation L/M, Chemistry L/M, Biochemistry L/M, Cell Biology and Physiology L/M, and tissue Biology L, Biology and Medicine M, Population Biology and ecosystem M, materials science M, environmental and health consultant DEUST of the regional collective, medical visitor DEUST, the height of analytical instruments and testing laboratory technology DEUST , Information and Communication Technology and Regional Development, Physical Measurement DUT, Civil Engineering DUT, Computer DUT, Biological Engineering DUT, Power Engineering and Industrial Computer DUT, Sales Technology DUT, Industrial Engineering and Maintenance DUT, Mechanical Engineering and Production DUT, Environmental Health and Hygiene DUT, Technology Editing LP, Resource and Water Production Management LP, Network and Data Inventory Manager LP, Information Systems and Distribution Design Management LP, Livestock Raising and Product Production LP, Internet Planning and Management LP, Civil Engineering and Infrastructure IUP

Sports Science: Sports Science D/L/M, Sports Education L, Sports Training L, Sports Management L

Tertiary major

DEA: Economic Policy and Economic Analysis, Environmental and Urban Planning Law, European and Basic Law, Cultural Interaction Semiotics, History and Civilization, Hilly and Fragile Rural Areas, Computing and Cryptography, Ceramics and Surface Treatment, Telephone Communication/Radio Wave and Optical Communication, Analytical Genetics and Physiology, Fine Chemicals/Energy/Pollution Elimination, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering

DESS: Law and Economics in Sports, International Trade and Finance, Diagnostic Restructuring and Development of Enterprises, Sustainable Development Law, Veterinary Medicine Technology, Pharmaceutical and Distribution, distribution reflecting industry and materials Laboratory, Signs and Strategies of innovation/design/Communication, Communication / Radio band and optical communication, advanced materials composite engineering, water treatment and management, computer mathematics and information security, molecular and cellular bioengineering, competitive diagnosis and management of health institutions

Characteristic specialty

Computer Systems and Network Data Management, Banking and Finance, Risk and Markets, Management of Social Health Enterprises, Management, Master of Business Administration, Asset Management, Mass Communication, Animal Production Management, Computer and Network Design and Management, Forestry, Urban Planning and Management, Multi-Cultural Management, etc.