1.Basic information.How much to buy a fake diploma from the University of Toulouse.
English name
University of Toulouse
French name
Universite federale de Toulouse-Midi-Pyrenees
Universite de Toulouse
Founding time
In 1229
School-running nature
Public colleges and universities
School category
Community (ComUE)
School characteristics
French University of Excellence Program
Faculty setting
School of Business, School of Agriculture, School of Economics and Law, School of humanities, etc
Main campus: University Town of Toulouse, Oxetane region, France
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2.Study introduction
The University of Toulouse is a world-renowned university located in the Pyrenees region of southern France and one of the oldest universities in the world. The University of Toulouse was founded in 1229 and became famous in the Middle Ages because many famous scholars came here to give lectures.
In 1970, the University of Toulouse was divided into three separate branches and several engineering schools. In March 2007, these schools were once again unified into the University of Toulouse. The University of Toulouse consists of 4 comprehensive universities, 7 schools of engineering, 1 School of Architecture, 1 School of Business and 1 School of Political Science.
It also has 5 international research institutes, 200 research laboratories and 145 research institutes. In October 2014, the university changed its name to Universite federale de Toulouse-Midi-Pyrenees. As of June 2015, the school has about 10,000 teachers and researchers, including 6,000 researchers, 120,000 students, including 4,300 doctoral students and 15,000 international students, including 1,500 Chinese students. It is the second largest school district in France.
About 16 percent of French engineers graduate from Toulouse every year. The University of Toulouse is known as Europe’s top institution for aerospace engineering. The University of Toulouse is a major supporter of high-tech companies such as Airbus and Galileo Satellite Systems. Toulouse is also the Silicon Valley of Europe, the most important center of information engineering research in Europe. Companies such as Airbus chose Toulouse as their headquarters mainly because they wanted to be close to the university’s technological prowess.