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Ulster University (English)
Universitie o Ulster (in Scotch)
Ollscoil Uladh(Irish)
Founding time
School-running nature
Public university
Major awards
2011 Times University of the Year
Subordinate region
Northern Ireland
Major department
Belfast, Coleraine, Magee College, Jordanstown
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Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom. It is located in the northeast of the island of Ireland. Its capital is Belfast.
The climate here belongs to the temperate maritime climate, the temperature of the whole year is between 0 and 20 degrees, such as Belfast in January the average temperature of 6.5 degrees, the average temperature in July 17.5 degrees. The green belt everywhere in Northern Ireland makes the air fresh and natural, and makes people feel the beauty of nature all the time. The people in Northern Ireland are good at singing and dancing, full of regional flavor, and it is also a good place for tourists. Among them, the Titanic Visitor Center in Belfast is located on the site of Harland Wolfe Shipyard where Titanic was built. There will be 4,000 objects related to the Titanic on display.
There is also the world-famous Giant’s Causeway, the famous Carrickrope Bridge, and the remains of medieval castles such as Dunluth Castle and Belfast City Hall
The University of Ulster is a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities and the University Union of Ireland. In 2001 it won the Sunday Times University of the Year award. According to the 2008 RAE survey, 86% of the University’s courses are at the international advanced level, of which 20% are at the international leading level.
In the 2014 Official RAE Assessment of University Research (the only ranking of UK higher education conducted by the UK government every seven years or so), the University of Ulster was ranked 38th in the UK.
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