What majors does the University of Glasgow offer?

What majors does the University of Glasgow offer?
Fake diploma.What majors does the University of Glasgow offer?

1.Basic information.Fake diploma.

University of Glasgow

Big, UofG

Founding time
In 1451

School-running nature
Public university

School category
Comprehensive research university

School characteristics
Classical University, Russell Group University, Universitas 21

Faculty setting
College of Humanities, College of Medicine, Veterinary and Life Sciences, College of Science and Engineering, College of Social Sciences (4 Colleges, 20 Schools)


Major awards
Nobel Prize
The Queen’s Anniversary Award
UK and Scotland University of the Year

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2.College introduction.

The University of Glasgow currently has four faculties (the first nine faculties have shrunk to four: the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Medicine, and the Faculty of Engineering (Aerospace, Civil Engineering, and Electricity)

Electrical, Mechanical and Shipbuilding), Faculty of Social Sciences (Faculty of Law, Business and Social Sciences), 168 subjects, 98 academic research centers. It covers management, finance, art, biochemistry, education, engineering, law, medicine, physics, social sciences, veterinary medicine and so on. The proportion of graduate students is high, and 30 percent are from overseas. Glasgow University has many of the first subjects in the UK, the establishment of the UK’s first civil engineering department and shipbuilding department, others such as aeronautical engineering, Marine engineering, computer software engineering are first-class. Its medical school was the first in a UK university to shift its focus from clinical training to patient care. In addition to engineering and medicine, accounting, finance and management studies are also prominent academic strengths of the university, attracting students from all over the world.

It has more than 100 departments, which are divided into four major schools: the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Engineering (Aerospace, Civil Engineering, Electronics and Appliances, Machinery and Shipbuilding), and the Faculty of Social Sciences (Law, Business and Social Sciences). The University of Glasgow offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, with each department offering a PhD programme.