Buy a fake diploma from Southampton University online.

Buy a fake diploma from Southampton University online.
Buy a fake diploma from Southampton University online.

1.Basic information.Buy a fake diploma from Southampton University online.

The name
University of Southampton


Founding time
In 1862

School-running nature
British public universities

School category
Comprehensive research university

School characteristics
Member of the Russell Group of Universities
Member of the World Union of Universities
Member of the Southern Union of Science and Engineering
A member of the Eijapanese RENKEI
Member of the International University Climate Alliance
Port City University Alliance membership folded

Subordinate enterprise

Faculty setting
School of Engineering, School of Social Sciences, School of Medicine, School of Business, School of Law, School of Arts

Main campus: UniversityRoad, Southampton, UnitedKingdom, SO171BJ

Major awards
She has won the Queen’s Anniversary Award three times
In 2020, it was ranked No. 1 in the UK by the Guardian Music Major

School official website

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The University of Southampton is a member of the Russell Group of Universities, the World Alliance of Universities, the South Alliance of Science and Engineering, the International University Climate Alliance, the World Alliance of Port Cities Universities, and RENKEI. The school can be traced back to Hartley College founded in 1862. The main campus is located in Southampton, Hampshire, England, where the Titanic set sail.

In May 2013, the University of Southampton, together with the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London and University College London, launched and founded the Science and Engineering South Alliance, one of the world’s leading research centres. The school is also a founding partner of SETsquared, a university business incubator ranked number one in the world by UBI Global.

The University of Southampton is the only university in the UK to receive a five star research rating for each of its science and technology departments, with the ECS School. The University merged with the Winchester School of Art, a British art school, in 1996. The University of Southampton Business School is AACSB and AMBA accredited.