Basic information,Buy a fake diploma from Catholic University online.
The name
The Catholic University of America
Founding time
In 1887
Major department
College of Architecture and Planning, College of Arts and Sciences
Specialty setting
The best subjects in universities are history, English, psychology and religion, while the most popular subjects are politics and economics. Social sciences (4 percent), engineering (2 percent), health professions (10 percent), business (7 percent), education (5 percent), computer and natural sciences (5 percent), and biological sciences (5 percent) were the most popular subjects.
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Undergraduate major
Business Management, Statistics, Materials Science, Business Management, Women’s Studies, Drama, Political Science, Physical Education, Health Sciences, Mass Communication, Engineering, the Arts, American Studies, Geology, Artificial Intelligence, Classics, International Relations, Mathematics, Mass Communication, Biology, Economics, Literature, Anthropology, History, Medicine, Industrial Engineering, English, Nursing, Dentistry, Society Life Sciences, Law, Art History, Physics, Applied Science, Music, Religion, Public Relations, Asian Studies, gerontology, chemistry, archaeology, nutrition, Philosophy. Anthropology, Architecture, Art History, Literature, Biochemistry, Biology, Biomedical Science, Business and Economics, Chemical Physics, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Classical Civilization, Classics – Greek and Latin, Writing, Computer Science, Dentistry, Drama, Education, Educational Studies, Power Engineering, English Language and Literature, Environmental Chemistry, French, German, History, Latin American and Classical Humanities, Law, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Media Studies, Medical Technology, Medicine, Medieval and Byzantine Studies, Musical Arts, Music Education, Music Theater, Nursing, Performance, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Spanish, Spanish International Service, Theology and Religious Studies, Veterinary Medicine.