1.Basic information.A satisfying fake degree.
University of Akron
Founding time
In 1870
Public university
Subordinate region
Major department
College of Polymer Science and Engineering, Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business Administration, School of Education, School of Engineering, etc
Where fake State University of New York at Buffalo diplomas are sold.
2.Specialty setting.
Art, Design and Music, Biological Sciences, Business, Communication, Computer and Information Sciences, Education, Engineering and Technology, English, Health Sciences, Health Sciences and Technology, Humanities, Mathematics, Nursing, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Accounting, Analytical Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, Arts and Fine Arts, Art Education, Biochemistry, Biology and Biomedical Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Business Administration, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Child and Family Studies, Urban and Regional Planning
Civil Engineering, Communication Studies, Counseling Psychology, Counseling Pedagogy, Developmental Psychology, Drama and Stage Arts, Economics, Pedagogy, Educational Management, Educational Means and Teaching Techniques, Educational Psychology, Electrical Engineering, Elementary Education, Engineering and Applied Science, Public Finance and Finance, Basic Courses and Educational Philosophy, French, Geography, Geology, Government and Politics, Higher Education, History, Home Economics and Human Development, Industrial and Labor Relations, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Inorganic Chemistry, International Business, Law
Marketing, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Music, Music Education, Nursing, Nursing Management, Nursing Education, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Physical and Human Movement Studies, Physics, Polymer Science and Plastic Engineering, Psychology, Public Policy and Management, Reading, School Psychology, Secondary Education, Sociology, Spanish, Special Education, Institute of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Statistics, Taxation, Urban Studies, Vocational and Technical Education, E.J. Thomas Hall for the Performing Arts, Educational Television Center and WAUP FM radio station, Polymer Science Institute, Polymer Engineering Center, Biomedical Research, Oak Ridge Center for Environmental Research, American Archives of Psychological History, Center for Urban Studies