Will buying a fake Australian Catholic University degree help me get a job?

Will buying a fake Australian Catholic University degree help me get a job?
Will buying a fake Australian Catholic University degree help me get a job?

1.Basic information.Will buying a fake degree help me get a job?

The name
Australian Catholic University


Founding time
January 1, 1991

School-running nature
Public university

School category
Comprehensive university

Faculty setting
School of Education and Humanities, School of Law and Business, School of Health, School of Theology, etc

Eastern Australia

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2.School profile

Keisling University welcomes students from all backgrounds. The school focuses on enhancing students’ community participation and social practice, with the aim of preparing students to be useful talents in today’s society.

Students from 85 countries contribute to the diversity of our culture. Australian Catholic University is the only transcontinental university in Australia, with six campuses scattered in five picturesque cities on the east coast of Australia. Students can travel between universities, which can greatly enrich their learning experience.

The University offers more than 110 quality employment-related courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels, covering a range of relevant core academic courses. The University is committed to promoting the Academic Research Group Programme, which consists of six research centres and a number of research institutes and research centres.

A full range of academic and social support is provided to ensure students succeed in their studies. Australian Catholic University prepares students who are widely recognized by the community and whose outstanding performance has contributed to the rapid development of the university, which has been rewarded with numerous awards.

The Australian Catholic University is associated with more than 100 universities and educational institutions in 25 countries around the world. This provides an excellent opportunity for students to study abroad for at least one or two semesters.

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