How to fake a Singapore Institute of Management Development Degree Certificate?

How to fake a Singapore Institute of Management Development Degree Certificate?
How to fake a Singapore Institute of Management Development Degree Certificate?

SQC and Case Trust Education Quality dual Certification:

MDIS College was awarded the Singapore Informant Mark of Assurance Education Services Accreditation Scheme Certificate in August 2005. In July 2003, it obtained the SQC certification of Singapore Quality Education, which aims to recognize those educational institutions with sound student welfare protection measures and high standard working mechanism, so as to enhance students’ and parents’ confidence in Singapore education.

Edu Trust Accreditation:

In 2009, the Singapore government set up the Private Education Council and passed the “Education Trust Protection Plan” act to launch EduTrust certification. Edu Trust accreditation is divided into four years of formal accreditation and one year of temporary accreditation. MDIS College Singapore applied in 2010 and received two consecutive “four-year formal accreditation”.

Diploma certification,How to fake a Singapore Institute of Management Development Degree Certificate?

Junior College and Senior Junior College are awarded by MDIS College Singapore.

The undergraduate and Master’s degrees are awarded by MDIS College in Singapore to Oklahoma City University (USA), Southern Cross University (Australia), Bangor University (UK), Northumbria University (UK), Nottingham Trent University (UK), University of Bradford (UK), University of Sunderland (UK) and Graduate School of Business Administration (Grenoble) in France. The diplomas of these schools are globally recognized. They are listed as accredited schools by the Education Foreign Supervision Information Network of the Ministry of Education, PRC.Order fake Singapore Polytechnic degree certificates online.