Basic information
University of Delaware
UD, UDel
Founding time
School-running nature
Public university
School category
Comprehensive research university
School characteristics
Public ivy
Faculty setting
Alfred Lerner School of Business, School of Public Administration, School of Chemical Engineering, School of Arts and Sciences, School of Marine Studies, etc
Major awards
Nobel Prize
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majorFinance and Economics, Law, Textiles and Clothing, Engineering Technology, Management, Environment, Architecture, Education, Science, Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry, Humanities and Arts, Social Sciences, Biology, Sports, Journalism and Communication, Information Science, Medicine, Language, Natural Sciences.
Undergraduate program
Undergraduate: Accounting and Management Information Engineering, Animal and Food Science, Anthropology, Art and Visual Media, Art Conservation, Art History, Biological Sciences, Bioengineering, Afro-American Science, Business Management, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Civic Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Media, Computer and Information Engineering, Economics, Education, Electrical and Computer Engineering, English, Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, Fashion and Apparel Science, Finance, Food and Resource Economics, Foreign Languages and Arts, Geography, Geology, Health and Nutrition and Exercise Science, History, Hospitality Management, Personal and Family Sciences, Jewish Studies, Leadership, Linguistics, Materials Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Technology, Military Science, Museum Science, Music, Nursing, Philosophy, Physiotherapy, Physics and astronomy, Social Sciences and International Relations, Psychology, Sociology and Criminal Justice, Statistics, Drama, urban practice and Public Code, Women’s Studies, etc.
Postgraduate and doctoral programs are available
Graduate and PhD students: Art Preservation, Art History, Biology, Biomechanics and Kinematics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Media, Computer and Information Engineering, English, Art and Visual Media, Foreign Languages and Arts, Geography and Climatology, History, Liberal Sciences, Language and Perceptual Sciences, Mathematics, Music, Physiotherapy, Physics and Astronomy, Social Sciences and International Relations, Maintenance Science, Sociology and Criminology, Drama, MBA Programs, Accounting and Management Information Engineering, Business Management, Economics, Biomechanics and Kinesiology, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civic and Environmental Engineering, Computer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Health Nutrition and Exercise Science, Nursing, Research and public Service Centre, Education, Environmental and Energy Codes, Hospitality Management, Personal and Family Sciences, Indoor Business and Public Codes, Geology, Marine Biology, Marine Policy, Oceanography, physical Marine science and engineering, etc.