Forged Chartered Insurance Institute certificate.

Forged Chartered Insurance Institute certificate.
Forged Chartered Insurance Institute certificate.


The Chartered Insurance Institute is also known as the Royal Insurance Institute. Authorized by the Royal Family of the United Kingdom, insurance vocational education institutions and academic organizations with world influence. After the first insurance society was established in Manchester in 1873, other cities followed suit. In order to enhance the exchanges and cooperation among the various societies and train insurance talents, the Association of Insurance Societies of Great Britain and Ireland was established in 1897. Finally, it was granted the Royal Charter in 1912 and became an influential vocational education organization in the field of insurance and finance. It changed its name and moved its headquarters from Manchester to London.

The function of the Institute is to raise the level of insurance practitioners in business operations by providing a wide range of teaching and training subjects; To organize insurance professional examinations and to issue qualification certificates to those who pass the examinations, including Membership Certificate (FCⅡ), Associate Membership Certificate (ACⅡ), Internship Certificate (CIP) and Proficiency Certificate (COP). Society membership (CⅡ) examination is famous for its standard, systematic and strict, and its examination subjects are economics, law, insurance business technology and insurance professional knowledge. Now the CII exam is held twice a year, respectively in the spring and autumn, its authority is widely recognized by the international insurance industry, its influence is growing.