Fast purchase Northampton University Undergraduate diploma.

Fast purchase Northampton University Undergraduate diploma.
Fast purchase Northampton University Undergraduate diploma.

1.Basic information.Fast purchase diploma.

The name
The University of Northampton


Founding time

School-running nature
Public university

School category
Comprehensive university

School characteristics
MillionPlus members

Northampton Park, Avenue, Waterside, Northamptonshire, England

Major awards
TEF Gold Medal for Excellence in Teaching

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2.School profile

A comprehensive national university with a fine tradition, strong academic strength, teaching and research.

Located in Britain’s safest and friendliest city, 69 miles from central London and 49 minutes by train.

Covering more than 100 acres, the gated campus is beautiful, safe and suitable for learning.

There are 10,000 students in the school, of which 200 are Chinese.

The UK’s unique scholarship scheme offers international students a scholarship worth up to 30% of their tuition fees.

The Chinese staff in the International Office of the University provide convenience for Chinese students to study and live.

TheUniversityofNorthampton is a moderate scale, teaching and scientific research and national comprehensive university.

The school covers an area of more than 100 acres, lush vegetation, flowers around, rated as one of the UK’s most beautiful campus environment. The University consists of six colleges with an enrollment of 10,000 students, including 700 international students from 79 countries, 200 of whom are Chinese. The two campuses have a total collection of 400,000 books and subscribe to more than 1,000 professional journals. The library can accommodate 1,000 students at the same time. Central machine room open 24 hours, free line Internet. There are 7 student dormitories on campus, which can accommodate 1600 students. Priority is given to international students.