Can you buy a fake De Montfort degree in 3 days?

Can you buy a fake De Montfort degree in 3 days?
Can you buy a fake De Montfort degree in 3 days?

1.Basic information.Can you buy a fake degree.

De Montfort University

Delta University, DMU

Founding time
In 1870

School-running nature
Public university

School category
Comprehensive university

Faculty setting
School of Art, Design and Humanities, School of Business Law, School of Computer, Engineering and Communication, School of Health and Life Sciences

School motto
Excellentia et studium

TheGateway, Leicester, LE19BH, UK

Number of students
26,000 (2700 international students)

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2.College profile

De Montfort University (DMU) is located in the geographically central city of Leicester, England, adjacent to the River Sol

And Leicester Castle Gardens. With a history of more than 140 years of teaching and research, the University has developed into a modern and well-known comprehensive university. Over the last 14 years, DMU has invested £200 million in upgrading its facilities, and plans to spend nearly £200 million more on campus expansion over the long term.

As a new type of university, DMU is different from traditional British universities in that it focuses more on professional quality education needed for future career development. A number of unique and creative programs are designed to meet the needs of international professionals in the modern world. Each year, many outstanding international students come to DMU for undergraduate and graduate programs. The university has about 27,000 students (22,000 full-time and 4,000 part-time), including nearly 700 Chinese students and more than 2,000 international students from more than 130 countries and regions. The school has an annual budget of 150 million pounds.

The combination of beautiful teaching environment, traditional British horticulture and modern city centre architecture, internationally renowned scientific research, excellent job prospects and cultural campus life make DMU one of the most popular universities in the UK and one of the first choices for international students to study in the UK.