Buy fake Staffordshire University diplomas online.

Buy fake Staffordshire University diplomas online.
Buy fake Staffordshire University diplomas online.

1.Basic information.Buy fake diplomas online.

The name
Staffordshire University


Founding time
In 1914

Public university

Type of school

Member of the White Rose University Union

Subordinate region
Stoke, Staffordshire, England

Major department
School of Law, School of Business, School of Computer Science, School of Nursing and Midwifery, School of Film Audio-visual, etc

Major awards
Rated “excellent” by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)

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2.Faculty setting

Department of Art and Design

Film audiovisual school

School of Journalism, Humanities and Social Sciences

Business school

School of education

Law school
Business school
Business school

School of Computer Science

School of Engineering

Department of Science

School of Nursing and Midwifery

Department of Psychology and Physical Education

Department of International Relations and Public Health

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Accounting and Finance, Finance, Business and Management, Art and Design, Economics, Capital Structure and Management, Biology and Biochemistry, Microbiology, Graphics and Computer Graphics, Ceramic Design and Research, Computer and Information Technology, Industrial Product Design, Earth Sciences and Ecological Environment, Energy Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, Film and Television Studies, Fine Arts, Food Science, Geography and Geology, History, Humanities and Social Sciences, International Relations, Journalism, Law, Marketing, Mathematics and Statistics, Media Technology and Research, Health Science, Nursing Medicine, Music, Philosophy, Photography, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Social Public Work, Sports Science and Technology, Radio, Television, Drama, Drama and Theatre Arts, English, French, German, Spanish , Tourism and Leisure, American Cultural Studies, Preparatory and Foundation courses, etc.

In terms of subject setting, Staffordshire University has summed up the educational experience of the past century and adopted a unique modular credit accumulation method in undergraduate (bachelor) education in view of the increasingly obvious development of science and culture in multi-faceted and interactive aspects in today’s world. Under this approach, students are required to complete the required courses for their major (each course is a separate module, and each module will earn 10, 20, or 30 credits upon completion, with a bachelor’s degree requiring at least 360 credits), while students can choose other courses they like after completing the required courses. Improve your studies from multiple directions or professional perspectives. Under this teaching system, students can focus all their time on learning and researching their favorite major, and they can also study across majors or even across disciplines.