Buy a fake degree from the Sorbonne University in Paris online.Acheter un faux diplôme à paris.

Buy a fake degree from the Sorbonne University in Paris online.
Buy a fake degree from the Sorbonne University in Paris online.

1.Basic information.Buy a fake degree in Paris.

The name
Sorbonne Universite (French)
Sorbonne University

La Sorbonne

Founding time
In 1257

Robert de Sorbon

School-running nature
Public university

School category
Comprehensive research university

School characteristics
Member of the Union of European Capital Universities
Member of the International University Climate Alliance

Faculty setting
Faculty of Arts, Science, and Medicine

4PlaceJussieu,75005Pari(Pierre and Marie Curie Campus)15-21Ruedel ‘Ecole de medecine,75006Paris

Major awards
Thirty-two Nobel Prizes
12 Fields MEDALS
1 Turing Award

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2.School profile

The Sorbonne University was founded in the 13th century by Robert de Sorbon, the father of Saint Louis, the French king. It began in the 12th century in l’Ile de la Cite, Paris, to teach theology, law, medicine and art to young people from France, Picardy, Normandy and England. Later, in 1257, Le college de Sorbon was founded on the hill of Sainte Genevieve. As it was the most famous of the many colleges at the time, it was expanded to take the name of the Sorbonne University.

The name of the school follows the word “Sorbonne”, “Sorbonne” history can be traced back to the medieval Sorbonne seminary in Europe, and gradually developed into the University of Paris, is one of the oldest universities in the world, known as “the mother of European universities”, has a high status in the heart of the French people.

Sorbonne alumni have produced 32 Nobel Prize winners, 12 Fields Medal winners and one Turing Medal winner. In 2021-2022, Sorbonne University is ranked 35th in THE World Academic Rankings for Soft Sciences, 46th in the World by U.S. News, 60th in the World by 2023QS, and 88th in the World.